CONREN – Generations Family Business Equity is an actively managed equity fund that invests in listed family businesses in Europe. We co-invest in these companies with families as anchor investors who have been and will continue to be looking after the company as supporters and caretakers for many years to come – without many of the usual conflicts of interest. For these entrepreneurs, their company is a life’s work.
One key difference and at the same time advantage over other companies is the long-term orientation of family businesses – their long-term strategic focus can be summarised as “Enkelfähigkeit”.
As entrepreneurs, we know that good things often take time. The manager, who mainly stares at quarterly results, is clearly inferior. In this context we like to say “Owner-operated instead of manager-driven”. The fund is accordingly only suitable for long-term-oriented investors.
„As family business entrepreneurs, we think in generations. When investing in other family businesses, we know that they, like us, consider the long-term viability of their businesses for future generations to be the highest priority. This makes it easier to persevere even in difficult market phases“
Freiherr Johannes von Salmuth
Cornerstone Investor
Selected generation newsletters:
Registration Fund Manager Newsletter on family businesses:
Selected blogs and press articles on family businesses:
Börse am Sonntag: Warum Familienunternehmen den Markt oftmals outperformen
CONREN Blog: Bärenmärkte Krise und Wandel = Chance….den Bärenmarkt mit Aktien von Familienunternehmen nutzen
CONREN Blog: Update – Niedrige Bewertungen von Aktien europäischer Familienunternehmen
CONREN Blog: Aktien europäischer Familienunternehmen sehen nicht teuer aus
Fonds im Fokus: Wertschöpfung mit starken Familienunternehmen
F.A.Z. : Familienunternehmen bieten Vorteile für Anleger
CONREN Blog: Erfolgreiche Investments in die Zukunft: Europäische Familienunternehmen statt US-Technologieriesen
Zeitschrift für Familienunternehmen und Strategie: Familienunternehmen sind die besseren Investments
inside business Deutscher Mittelstand: Andreas Lesniewicz
Asset Standard: Familienunternehmen sind krisenfester
F.A.Z. : Die enkelsichere Geldanlage